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Paid Surveys for Teens: 7 Websites for Earning Extra Cash

By August 6, 2021May 14th, 2024No Comments

By Rita Cunha

As a teen, there are some ways you can get extra cash. One of them is taking online paid surveys for teens online. They are usually very easy to take and will give you enough pocket money for you to start saving up. Whether you want to buy a few new video games or put money away to buy a car in a few years, getting paid to answer online surveys for money is well worth the effort.

In this article, we are going over everything you need to know about this stress-free money-making hustle. We will answer any questions you might have and even recommend the best survey sites out there for you!

How Do Online Paid Survey Sites Work?

Before a brand releases a new product, they need to know who is willing to buy it. After all, brands need to create ads to impress their customers, right? They can only do this (and make money from their product) if they understand who their target audience is. 

Market research companies help brands learn more about their customers. They do this by sending quizzes to online survey sites for teens. Then, teenagers give their valued opinions on the questions asked and get paid. You can also earn your points and redeem them for Amazon gift cards and other types of virtual rewards.

On top of that, sometimes users of these online survey websites can be invited to do product testing, meaning they will get some money and a product to test at home through the mail.

Most sites let you earn points for completing surveys online. Then, once you have amassed enough, your points can be redeemed for cash or gift cards. It’s that simple! Taking teen surveys is a great way to earn some easy pocket money. 

Are Paid Online Surveys Safe?

There are a lot of rules that survey sites for teens have to follow. In other words, survey panels can’t do whatever they want with your answers. Rather, there is a protocol they have to follow, completely dictated by the Federal Trading Commission (FTC).

It’s this agency that ensures your data is safe with these online paid surveys. You can take all the paid surveys online you want and rest assured all your answers will be completely anonymous. 

How Old Do You Have to Be to Do Online Paid Surveys?

Age is a very important factor to look out for. Most survey panels that are kid-friendly say you have to be at least 13 years old or older. (The few exceptions are the handful of survey sites for kids under 13 years old.) However, each website is entitled to have a minimum age requirement.

Different survey sites have varying age requirements. For example, Survey Junkie requires users to be at least 12 years old, whereas Branded Surveys and LifePoints require a minimum age of 16. It’s essential to check the age requirements for each survey site before signing up. If you aren’t old enough, you can’t get paid!

Further down in this article we list the best paid survey sites. Luckily for you, we always include the site’s minimum age requirement. This way, you can start to take surveys in no time if you’re old enough.

How Much Can You Make from Online Paid Surveys?

When you take surveys for money you earn points for completing tasks. Then, those points can be redeemed for gift cards, prizes, or cash.

Every platform is different, so what you get (including how much) varies. The best let you make a couple of dollars every day, although there are survey websites out there paying less than a dollar per day. Choose whichever one you like best!

Are Online Surveys Easy to Complete?

Yes, taking surveys for money is extremely easy. Think of it like taking a test—only you don’t have to study for it and there are no right or wrong answers. You will be giving your opinion on what the survey asks you. Easy, right? All it takes is some free time and that’s that. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to earn rewards and make money online for free.

7 Legitimate Money-Making Survey Sites to Try Out

Are you ready to start pocketing extra cash and earning gift cards? Then take a look at these ten paid survey panels all open to teenagers.

1. The Best Online Survey Panel: Swagbucks

Swagbucks is a great survey panel where you can answer online surveys for money. Plus, it’s one of the most popular and best paid survey sites, too. It was founded in 2008 and so far it has paid out over $500,000,000 in gift cards and cash prizes to its users!

You can start using Swagbucks from age 13 and up. Seek your guardian’s permission and hop onto the platform to start answering all kinds of online surveys for kids and teens.

There are dozens of daily tasks for you to complete in exchange for points. You could start today by giving your valued opinions on any of the paid surveys available on the main page. 

Moreover, you could also earn points just by watching videos. Easy, right? It is. You will find anything from movie trailers to ads just like the ones you see on TV. Choose your favorite and then, once you rate them, you will get your reward!

On top of all that, you could also get cash and gift cards for playing mobile games! Check out all the apps available for free download and choose the one that sounds the most interesting. After some minutes of playing, points will fall into your account. And the best part? The games available are a lot of fun and super entertaining—you won’t even notice the time going by.

Swagbucks’ pay rate and cashout options are great. You earn points (also called SB points) for every task you complete. Once you get 100 points, you can convert them into one dollar. Amass more than 100 points and you can cash out your reward either as cash via PayPal or redeem your gift card from your favorite retailer (for example, Amazon or Starbucks).

The best part about Swagbucks is that it’s super easy to get started. All you need is your guardian’s permission and you can set up your brand new account. Then, you can either use this great survey panel on your computer or download the Swagbucks apps so you have this money-making platform at your fingertips at all times!

2. Kidz Eyes

Kidz Eyes works a little differently and it’s one of the only online paid platforms offering surveys for kids. It’s open to anyone between the ages of 6 and 12 and their parents, too.

When you use KidzEyes, you will be asked all kinds of questions about products and services for children. Give your most honest opinion and earn points in return. Easy peasy.

The platform is as straightforward as can be. You will only have access to one or two paid surveys per month, so you don’t have to worry about managing your time efficiently at all. Plus, you will also get an email with a link to a Super Poll, where you could win rewards!

3. LifePoints

Next up on our list of best online surveys for teens, we have LifePoints. This cool platform lets you win Amazon gift cards, cash via PayPal, and all sorts of other e-gift cards.

To get started, you need to be at least 16 years old. If you meet this age requirement, then you can create your account and keep track of what paid surveys are available every day. You will get several online surveys per month, so be sure to be on the lookout for them.

LifePoints’ paid surveys for teens are generally a lot of fun. You’ll be asked questions about all sorts of topics, including health and fitness, and entertainment.

4. E-Poll

E-Poll is another awesome survey site doing market research. They give you points for every survey you answer. Plus, you also get 10 points as soon as you join.

You have to be at least 13 years old to start answering online surveys for teens and getting great rewards. Once you have your account up and running, you can even enter cash drawings every month and stand a chance to win great rewards.

Your points can be redeemed for cash via PayPal, Starbucks, Amazon, iTunes gift cards, and other rewards. If you’re feeling generous, you could even send all your earnings to a charity.

5. Mindfield Online

If you want to make some extra money and get gift cards online, Mindfield Online could be for you. You can convert your points into cash via PayPal, get your earnings via check, or redeem a bunch of gift cards. It’s all up to how you want to get paid.

To create an account with Mindfield Online, you must be at least 15 years old and be living in the United States. You will have to answer a few questions about yourself. Then, you can move on to the online surveys and start collecting the rewards.

6. MySoapBox

MySoapBox is yet another incredible survey site that makes taking surveys a piece of cake. If you are over the age of 13 you may start getting rewards.

You will be shown all kinds of teen surveys, which makes the process of answering questions even more fun. Choose which ones you want to answer first and get to it!

For every survey you complete, you will get a number of points. How many you get depends on how complex the survey is. But even if you have just a little bit of time, it’s worth checking out the daily paid survey opportunities.

7. YouGov

The last website offering paid surveys for teens is YouGov. They focus on an older demographic (teenagers who are at least 16 years old) and it’s completely free to join.

You will get up to 400 points for every survey you complete. They take between 10 to 15 minutes, so YouGov won’t eat into too much of your time. Then, you can trade your points for all kinds of gift cards to your favorite restaurants and stores (including an Amazon gift card). If you want, you can also redeem your points for cash via PayPal or physical debit cards.

How to Make Money Online with Online Surveys

Now that you know what the best survey websites for teens are, we have a few more tips for you. If you play your cards right, you could make a few dozens of dollars in your spare time in just a few months. This is how you can maximize your gains.

1. Do It in Your Free Time

Taking surveys for money is easy, but it’s also time-consuming. While the rewards aren’t super high for every survey you take, answering many surveys in a day quickly adds up.

However, keep in mind that online surveys should never take up your whole day. You have other things to worry about—such as school, homework, and spending time with your friends. Answering paid surveys for money to help with market research comes after all that, and it’s only worth it for as long as you’re having fun!

2. Choose Your Online Surveys Wisely

If you have an earning goal in mind, you’d do well in choosing your online surveys wisely. Some pay better than others, so taking the money-making ones first is a good idea. They might involve answering more questions or going into your answers more deeply, but they’ll help you get closer to your goal.

3. Keep Track of Your Earnings

Remember to get a spreadsheet or a notebook to track your earnings. You should write down how many quizzes you answered in a day and how many points you got as a reward at the end of your teen survey-taking session. This will make it easier to know exactly how much money you made from the platform and what you can do with it.

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