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7 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Food

By: Lezanne Winshaw The average four-person household in the US wastes 97 lbs of food per month. Equating to over $1800 per year. What if you can cut that right down? Wouldn’t that be one of the easiest ways to save money each month?  Why Do People Waste Food? One of the…
Dannie Phan
August 3, 2021

Truly Coupons and Promo Codes

Looking for deals for your July Fourth celebration or your next summer outing? Check out this exclusive Truly coupon that you can redeem at any major liquor store. Take a sip of a clean, crisp, and refreshing spiked sparkling water with a hint of fruit. At 3-5% ABV, just 100…
Dannie Phan
June 22, 2021